I pray that people realize the pain that barking dogs have on a person. My family personally agonized for over a year with a neighbors barking dog, and dogs on a number of occasions. Thankfully the dog the was a "temporary" resident. His temporary status was for that year. I was able to talk to the owner initially, but his leaving comment for me, after being apologetic at first, was, "Dogs Bark!"
Unfortunately, that is not a sufficient reason. Also, a dog, or dogs barking indefinitely infringes on our rights as American Citizens to enjoy the peace and serenity of our own home. It is understandable that dogs bark on occasion, but it is not acceptable for long durations.
I started my blog on one night simply to vent. It was for the most part the main reason for most of my posts. Thankfully, there is a big gap in posts because I currently don't have a nuisance dog problem. Although, I can hear dogs in my neighborhood that probably are, they do not bother me like a dog in my backyard. I was blessed to get a new job that allowed me to relocate. A must I was looking for in my new house was no backyard neighbors. I would rather have a road behind my house, then deal with a neighbor that doesn't care to take care of his/her own dog.
Having said all that, I still want to help the cause. My heart goes out to people experiencing problems with nuisance dogs. And here is a prime example. The below is from someone that posted a comment on my page. You can link to her profile here. I cringed when I watched:
We need to support each other. All persons experiencing nuisance neighbors and dogs, need to band together, and help support one another. I wish I could do more, and maybe we can. But we need to be heard as a common voice to be heard by the right people.
Dealing with nuisance sounds is like being beaten slowly. It's just plain torture to have to hear and deal with constant bombardment of sounds that are unwelcome. I found my poor wife in the bathroom curled up in a ball because of our neighbors dog. It's just not fair, and not right.
Good luck to the person above, I hope things work out, and the local government steps in and realizes the severity of the problem.