Our neighbors dog recently started barking and howling. For over a year the dog was not a problem. But for some unknown reason, in the last 3 weeks, the dog has started becoming a problem. The dog had wasn't barking for long durations, but it was barking when my would be putting out kids down for bed, or worse yet, when they were in bed.
Enter great neighbor. As I went out to place our Dog Silencer Pro, I saw our neighbor outside trying to get the dog to stop. I took that as an opportunity to ask about the change in the dogs behaviour. She told me what we had observed, which was this was a new characteristic of her dog. But unlike other neighbors I've dealt with, she showed genuine concern about her dogs new routine.
The conversation ended with me letting her borrow our Dog Silencer Pro so it had a more direct line to give it a better chance at correcting the dogs behaviour. More importantly, she gave us her phone number to call if it were ever an issue.
My wife and I had not wanted to complain to her up to this point because we did like this person as a neighbor, and didn't want to ruin what relationship we had already started. But she proved to be a sincere person, and we are now working together to help resolve her dogs new barking behaviour.
Verdict is out on the Dog Silencer Pro, but today there was no barking. I'll see with my neighbor if she attributes it to using the device.