Our neighbors dog recently started barking and howling. For over a year the dog was not a problem. But for some unknown reason, in the last 3 weeks, the dog has started becoming a problem. The dog had wasn't barking for long durations, but it was barking when my would be putting out kids down for bed, or worse yet, when they were in bed.
Enter great neighbor. As I went out to place our Dog Silencer Pro, I saw our neighbor outside trying to get the dog to stop. I took that as an opportunity to ask about the change in the dogs behaviour. She told me what we had observed, which was this was a new characteristic of her dog. But unlike other neighbors I've dealt with, she showed genuine concern about her dogs new routine.
The conversation ended with me letting her borrow our Dog Silencer Pro so it had a more direct line to give it a better chance at correcting the dogs behaviour. More importantly, she gave us her phone number to call if it were ever an issue.
My wife and I had not wanted to complain to her up to this point because we did like this person as a neighbor, and didn't want to ruin what relationship we had already started. But she proved to be a sincere person, and we are now working together to help resolve her dogs new barking behaviour.
Verdict is out on the Dog Silencer Pro, but today there was no barking. I'll see with my neighbor if she attributes it to using the device.
I've had new neighbors who got a puppy. We complained after 3 sleepless nights and since they keep the dog indoors. But the dog still makes some noise late in the eve before they take him inside or very early in the morning when they're off to work. I found the Dog Silencer Pro and despite its high cost, I'm considering buying it. But I'm unsure about it. Any update from your experience to share?
ReplyDeleteHello, and thanks for finding my blog! Sorry I am just getting to respond.
DeleteAnd yes, I have some updates, actually very recent updates. I was going to post another blog, but I'll just copy my response as a new topic.
About a month ago, my new neighbors beagle started acting up. It seems to be howling and barking at all the rabbits we have in our neighborhood. It would seem they are all in my backyard!
I kept my dog silencer pro even though my past experiences were not very successful, but I figured I would keep it just in case.
Previously I had used it on a large retriever, and never could get good line of sight to get the Dog Silencer Pro to work at it maximum effectiveness. So my first review of the product would have to be a poor one. However, I didn't feel I gave it the best chance to work. Hence why I kept it.
It has been a year since I have had a dog problem, and now we live in a new neighborhood, which we made sure to buy a house without backyard neighbors. But we still have side neighbors, and sure enough, we have another dog causing havoc on our peace and quiet.
To get to your question, I have put the device back to use. And this time, it is in the most effective place it an be, in my neighbors yard, facing the dog! I took my own advice, and got to know my neighbor really well last year, and that has came in handy with dealing with my neighbors dog problem. She has been a very helpful person, and has been working with me to resolve the problem. Though I must say it is still frustrating. I am being patient with her since she has made an effort to help, and has let me put the Dog Silencer Pro in her yard.
Now, it has been 2 weeks since we have introduced the Dog Silencer Pro directly into the problem dogs yard. And my report is this, just 10 minutes ago, I was out in my backyard chasing rabbits, and the dog was howling and barking with no regard to the high pitch sound coming from the device. My neighbor has even left it on audible to try to deter the dog even more.
I am very grateful that my neighbor is trying, however, it doesn't fix the dog problem. Neither has the Dog Silencer Pro unfortunately.
And here is the main problem: The Dog Silencer Pro is designed to train a dog to stop barking using Pavlov's law. Barking is followed by an annoying high pitched sound the dogs are suppose to despise. However, for this to work properly, the device should only go off when the dog barks. If it goes off for any other reason, it diminishes the training, and does not effectively teach the dog to associate his/her barking with the annoying sound.
So the problem I keep running into is I am unable to set the sensitivity perfect enough to only come on when the dog barks, and not when any other loud noise sets it off.
Therefore in the end, unless I can set the device with specific "bark recognition" I don't feel it will get the job done.
My next step is to look into a dog collar to put directly on the dog. Of course, my neighbor will have to agree to this, but I think this is a much better option than having the dogs tongue removed.
I hope this helps you, I hope it gets better. My wife and I have an 8 month old and a 3 year old, the last thing either of us needs is another noise in the house that keeps us from enjoying 5 minutes of silence.
I too had that same problem but I found this website that could help me fix the problem. It's gotbarking.com. It helped fix my problem.